My Life Verse

Trust in the Lord with all of your heart and lean not undo your own understanding. Proverbs 3:5

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Seasons Come and Season Go but God never changes

I love blogging but I have not done a lot of it in the past two years. However today I need to get some thoughts out.  I am closing a very special business.  It is not like closing any business but one that saved my life.  Here is what I wrote to my customers/fans on that page.

Beautiful friends, I have an announcement to make that will be the hardest decision that I have ever had to make but it has been a decision backed up with many prayers over it and I know it is the right one.  I know it will come as a surprise and shock but God has made it very clear to me in the past week what I need to do. As I type this the tears are rolling down my face but I know this is the right one.  On May 6, 2012 I opened Blessed by Stitches and it saved my life.  If you don’t know my story and where this business came from here is a glimpse.
**** Post in Notes July 24, 2012: I wanted to take a minute and share with everyone the story behind my business  Blessed by Stitches and Sticky Business Vinyl letter.  I do love seeing the numbers go up and it just makes me so excited to give another thing away but more importantly it is a way to just give people another link to God.   Recently, Aug of 2011 we moved to DC with the military...move number 7..but this time was different.  We moved without our son and our only kid to top that.  He was 18 and time to spread his wings for college and it was a tough road...the very job God have given me was done for the most part.  I am a wife and a mom...but now not to a full time level like I was.  I prayed forever to God to give me something to do...well our God almighty did...he gave me this opportunity to open blessed by stitches and sticky business vinyl and it has taken off.  God laid on my heart that this could be a way to mentor to other women in the military community since we have been in 20 years.  Well he saw the bigger was not to mentor to just military women but whoever came along and truthfully not to always mentor but to just be there.  To share in a thing we call sisterhood as women.  We are wired so different than men and sometimes we just need someone to hear us, be there, or like this past weekend have divine chosen appointments to share His word.  I feel so lucky. People always say you do such a great job, I love it, you have a great eye and the list goes on...I say it is all God's work that HE is allowing me to do.  I frequently put on my page how can I pray for you... As the numbers go up and the page spreads out you never know who will read that and need to see that.  To know someone is out there praying for them.  When I am doing these projects for my customers...please know that I pray for you, your family etc while doing them.  Anyways I wanted you to know what God laid on my heart two months ago and what the heart behind this business is... on my left wrist I have tatted my life verse..Proverbs 3:5 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not unto you own understanding...  have a super blessed day****
Fast forward to a little over year into the business. I feel so very blessed to have had the opportunity to have a business that God gave me.  This business saved me.  So letting go of it is not as easy as closing just a business…it is my heart, my passion, and my mission to get God’s word out there.   After all HE is the reason we are here.  What I do know is for the past year I have put my sweat and tears into this business. I would not trade one single moment of painted skin, vinyl stuck in my hair, and the 5:00 am mornings sanding in the garage when I could not sleep. I love it.  I have had the opportunity to pray with, for and along side of many of you.  I have had the blessings to meet some of you in person and get to hug your necks.  So many wonderful conversations have come out of this business.  I would not change a thing well maybe I would if I could pack all you up and have a big party and meet each and every one of you.
This decision like I said has come with lots of prayer.  I am always saying we need to be the hands and feet of Jesus while we are here.  Recently we moved to Missouri and for the first time in four years (last two assignments have been school programs) we are back in a military setting, meaning back into squadrons.  It is a very small community and I have craved that.  I said when we moved here I wanted to give back to a small town and I will be.  I have decided, with much prayer and confirmation from God, that I will be taking a volunteer roll that will require a good bit of my time so I won’t be able to handle the load that BBS does. (on average I am painting, vinyling and shipping depending on the time of year 20-50 signs a week leading to long hours most days) I was so very blessed by God and this but I can’t give it my 100% or give my new position 100% so something has to give.  I felt BBS was that choice.  I say that because right now I have a huge opportunity to be the hands and feet at this base.  To give back to the airmen, the spouses and their families while I am here.  I can see them face to face, talk with them daily, walk with them on this journey as an older spouse, mentor them but more importantly I pray that Jesus shines out of me and gives them some hope.  I posted a saying last week that has been my thought for a while.  “Don’t shine so others can see you.  Shine so that through you, others can see HIM!!!  That is my heart’s desire and I plan on keeping that saying in my daily prayers to strive for that each day.  So with all that being said come 1 July I will no longer have the page up and running.  I have to deactivate it to walk through the process.  I know this sounds silly but it will be a grieving process so shutting it down is the best option to not keep seeing it.  This has like I said the hardest decision ever. 
I don’t want anyone to feel like I have left them hanging as I have two girls that do vinyl signs, tile, glasses etc that I will pass on the names to you.  Both will have access to all my files, colors etc so you can go to them if you need anything done.  They were both customers of mine and decided to open a business so they do great work.  More importantly they are fantastic women and I know I leave you in great hands. is Words that Stick By Stephanie.  She does mainly wood signs etc. Craft by Sarah D does tiles, cups, key chains, shirts etc.  That gives you two great women with great talent to meet your needs.  I will tag their business in my comments to write them down or go like their page so you don’t forget.  I will still have my email up and running if you ever need me, have questions or just need prayer.  I am also going to start back up blogging, something that I enjoy but have not really had the time to do that so you can follow that at as well.  Friends, I am going to miss you, miss posting daily inspirations, song but most of all I will miss the nights of praying for you.  Know that I will always be praying over you as I always have.   Thank you for allowing me Tiffany Kalin and Blessed By Stitches be a part of your life.  I hope this page gave you ideas, hope, inspiration, and a love for God in a way you never knew via his post.  After all he is the one who owns this business. “Trust in the Lord will all your heart and lean not unto your own understanding.” Proverbs 3:5 is tatted on my left wrist and that is what I am doing taking this leap.  Trusting Him!!!
In Him,
Tiffany Kalin

Owner of Blessed By Stitches
Proverbs 3:5

Whew reading this again brings me to tears.  I never want to disappoint anyone and I know this will.  I know that God is having me move on to be the hands and feet of my very own community.  I have prayed about it and I will be taking on the responsibility of the Airman's Attic.  That is a way I can give back to all the wonderful Airman, spouses, and kids that work hard.  Those Airman are what keep my husbands Squadron running and running very well.  They take great pride in their jobs and I want to give back to them. Some of the younger ones are our son's age. You see we are prior enlisted so we have been there.  When Jay was a e-2 or e-3 we had Hunter who was still a baby.  He has several surgeries so they moved us on base to be closer to the hospital. Keep in mind that was 21 years ago before they let E-4 and below live on base.  We were blessed with this house but not a lot of furniture.  Some sweet family donated a table and four chairs to the Airman's attic.  We were able to get them free of charge because of someone elses  generosity.  I remember that fantastic feeling of sitting around the dinner table as a family.   So when this opportunity came up it was truly a blessing to give back.   So with all that being said I and sad to see Blessed By Stitches go but I am so excited to see what two years here will bring me.   Like the title says....Seasons come and seasons go but God never changes.  Today this season has ended but God is still the same.  He is walking beside me, guiding me, holding me, loving me and most of all he believes and trusts me enough to give me a new task.  I will be praying this quote everyday during this transition and time here.  Don't Shine so others can see you.  Shine so that others, through you can see Him!!!

My left wrist is tatted with Proverbs 3:5 "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not unto your own understanding"  So today I trust him with this move.  For I know my God will never fail me.

Until next time folks.