My Life Verse

Trust in the Lord with all of your heart and lean not undo your own understanding. Proverbs 3:5

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Why are we here? What is in your blueprint?

Often we go through life and we have so many different questions?  What is our purpose here?  Why did God put me here if all I have is bad things that happen?   When will I ever find love, husband, wife etc?  Well I hear these questions all the time and here is my thought on it...

I don't think we always know what our 100 percent purpose is on this earth.  However I do know this.  God has a plan and a purpose on this earth for you.  Sometimes we get so caught up in all the what if and whys that we miss the little picture that usually leads to the bigger picture.

For years I always wanted to know what MY purpose was on this earth but I do know this God gave me the gift of "gab" as I call it.  For a while I used to wonder I to much for people, to loud, to obnoxious etc...then I had something profound that God confirmed that my gift of "gab" was right what He had intented for me...

We attended a church at our last base and one Sunday a fellow volunteer said okay there is a lady here who attended our Christmas service and has come back for a second time. Can you please find her and chat with her (knowing that I NEVER meet a stranger) etc.  Her name was Renee.  (I will never forget that name because it had a huge impact on what my purpose was.)  So as we sat down I looked around with the desription she had given me...(a lady with brown hair and a jacket that had cheetah print around the wrist) could not find her..finally as the music started I looked around again and to my left in the next section was that lady...I scurried over there to introduce myself.  I said, "hi I am Tiffany and wanted to know if you would like to come sit with my family" happily she obliged.  After that service I then introduced her to the pastor as a new attendee that started at our huge Christmas service (which we know that two times a year people come to church for Christmas and for Easter) and that she loved it and so did her daughter (who had begged to stay for two Christmas services because she had so much fun.).  Of course for me that was so good to hear because I loved my church.  I was a teller at our last church counting tithes and after I was done that next week my pastor stopped me and said you remember the lady that you introduced me too...I said yes, He then said she called me on Friday to tell me her husband was killed and she was so thankful that at that moment she had a church family, even if it was just a short time since she had been going to church.  She asked our pastor to do his funeral.  As we attended that funeral we saw so many people that loved that guy.  He was a hard core Harley rider and was a repo of cars.  (He took his tow truck out and was hitching a car he raised the car up onto the tow truck he then went behind the car to look at it and the car then came loose and back over him sadly taking his life.)  That was a huge break through for me and God's gift He gave me.

I was questioning my very nature that God had implanted in my life....HE wrote that quality about me in my blue prints when He designed me.  That very incident confirmed that my God created me with a gift....a gift of being outgoing and never meeting a stranger.  Had I second guessed myself that day Renee would have come to church every week (if she continued to come) maybe with no one investing in her.   The very blueprint God created was used for His glory which satan had me second guess.    What we think how come, why not etc may not be in God's bigger plan for you....stay focused on the little things you can do to further His kingdom not satan's what if and how come bondage...

My point if you are wondering is this...if you stay so focused on what if, how come, etc you will MISS the little details that are written in your blueprint.  When you start catching God's little details...He starts to reveal the big picture..    So my advice is do things everyday for HIS glory and not your fleshy gratification and you my friends will see that you have a gift that was written in your blueprint...until next time..


  1. I love this story, we never know how our small action can impact a life. We forget that.

  2. Yeah we do..sometimes we take things that He has given us for granted or question them instead of realizing that we need to utilize them for God....

  3. Well said my friend and very poinant for my day today.

  4. I thought that would get your Don't let Satan have the what ya

  5. Thanks Tif. I never realized how those "what if's" and "how comes" can be bondage. Now that I know, gonna shut those bad boys DOWN :) Love you so much, girlfriend!
